Learn How TO Install Window XP
Installing window xp is a strightforward process with few interactive requairments
One nice thing Microsoft did with this release was put all of the data right at the
bigninig so you can actually get up and walk away from your computer for about
half and hour.This constrast sharply with window 95 98 and 4.0 where you basiclly
have to baby set the installation.
Note that the xp home and pro setup procedure is subtly different . I will make it
obvious when certain steps are pro or home only.
1.Insert the window xp cd rom and rebot the computer
If you see a message about hitting any key to boot to boot the cd do so now
otherwise you will see a message about setup inspecting your system.
2. Ms dos Portion of setup begins
In the first setp of the setup you will see a series of blue and gray ms dos based \
screen . In the first setp you will be asked to press F6 if you need to install any third
party software or Raid drivers.
Then you can press F2 to initiate the automated system recovery (ASR) tool a
new xp feature that lets you recover non boting system from xp setup.Ignor this
Finlly Setup Load the file it need to start a bare bones veirson of xp ,
This may take a few minutes.
3.Wellcome To Setup.........
Finally setup begin .In this setup you can setup xp launch the recovery console
(another more complicated system recovery tool ) or quit
Press ENTER to setup and it will exmine your hard disk and removeable disk.
4. Read The license agreement...
in this step a license page will display and you have to simply
press F8.
5. Choose An Installation Partition....
This crucial step lets you choose where to install Windows XP.
you have to select Drive C .
After that a page will open to select file system, and you have to select
FAT32 or NTFS.
after that a option will appear to format existing files. you have to enter
word F . your system will examine your disk and will start to copy
6. setup will copy files and will reboot the PC.
7. Computer will restart and system will again show the option
" press any key to boot from CD" but dont press any key .
8. now a setup will start mannualy , this is last step to install
windows XP , your windows is installing now.
system will ask you to enter name. organization and CD KEY
give these things correctly.
your windows is now installed . this will take few minutes.
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